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Monette T. Punzalan

The Blog.

Cats and Dog Mural

Exterior mural for the client’s tennis court featuring her beloved cats and dog.

Evolve Mural

Mural submission for an exterior wall on a residential building called Evolve South Bay.

Haven Murals

Murals for a new community space with eateries and gathering areas

Tri Star Murals

Series of proposed mural designs for Tri Star Entertainment’s Los Angeles offices

MBS Mural

Mural proposal for MBS Campus for a concierge services building

Fireflies Mural

Final mural idea for a group mural show in the Downtown Los Angeles Arts District. Featured a Filipino folk tale about Kapre, a tree giant and the origin of fireflies.

Manhattan Beach Towers Mural

Mural design for Manhattan Beach Towers, a real estate group that showcased landmarks of Los Angeles and Manhattan Beach, as well as a few symbols of their business.


Designed responsive layouts for Conjuguemos, a language learning site. Students could practice exercises and take quizzes that teachers created. Teachers could also log in and get information on student’s progress.